Compulsory Attendance Ages: Between the ages of 6 (by Dec. 2nd ) and under 18 years of age.
Required Days of Instruction: 175 days, only for public schools.
Required Subjects: English and must “offer instruction in the several branches of study required to be taught in the public schools.”
For grades 1-6 this includes english, mathematics, social sciences, science, fine arts, health, and physical education.
Home School Statute: None.
Home Schools have four options:
- The individual home school could qualify as a private school by filing an annual private school affidavit.
- Homeschoolers could enroll in a private school satellite program and “homeschool” through that private school.
- The home school could have instruction provided by a certified private tutor.
- The child could be enrolled in an independent study program at home, using the public school curriculum.
Teacher Qualifications: None, if home school registers as a private school, or enrolls in a private school satellite program.
Certification is necessary only if the home school parent chooses to qualify as a private tutor.
Standardized Tests: Not required by statute.
For more information, please see the HSLDA website.